VOB trio

Virtaranta Okuda Berger trio

“Trio Virtaranta Okuda Berger je nastal pred približno tremi leti ob srečanju v Berlinu in od tedaj je bolj ali manj zaznamovan z geografskimi razdaljami med posameznimi člani in občasnimi snidenji. Ta so očitno intenzivna, saj so se posamezni člani ali pa cel trio ob različnih priložnostih na povabilo Jake Bergerja do sedaj že večkrat znašli na nam domačih koncertnih odrih. Nedavno so izid pričujoče plošče proslavljali na daljši japonski turneji, kar je pospremil še japonski izid plošče pri OOO! Sound in nekako se zdi, da kljub razdaljam skupek glasbenikov in glasbenice ostaja še kar dobro sprijet. ” Aleš Rojc – recenzija za Radio Študent

“The trio of Virtaranta, Okuda, and Berger does just that in this live recording. They hone. Naturally rising from brush to scrap and pincer, yet never sinking above to the l. common-denominator plateau of nowhere-to-go-but-keep-going-banging-our-heads-on-the-ceiling acoustic assault these sort of arcs tend to peak at, they proceed with sharp tense execution. The trial is called off. Free to proceed at leisure.” Tiny Mix Tapes

“For extensive parts of this they repeat small phrases and rhythms, while slowly changing
what they are doing. Especially the first ten minutes are really great, with that
contemplative sound they have. The recording is made close by, so all the instruments/
sounds appear to be in your face. Overall I though this was pretty good release.” Frans Dee Waard – Vital Weekly

“The CD consists of three improvisations, all carrying the same name; ‘Spin 1’, ‘Spin 2’ and ‘Spin 3’. All
three improvisations, start from a repeated or cyclic pattern, that changes constantly. Gradually
the interaction intensifies, and some magic moments occur, especially in the third movement.
Whirling music, evoking trance-like effects. It leaves me wondering and asking myself what I just
witnessed. It is one of those records of improvised music that make me realize there are still new
corners to be discovered. An excellent work, released by the Slovenian label Zvočni prepihi!” Dolf Mulder – Vital Weekly