Silence Of The Land

Silence of the land is not about music, song or composition. It is about perspective and awareness of sound and our impact on surroundings with our activities. What you hear is two pieces of field recording of natural environment where in first, every little sound made by humans is being cut out of the sound picture and in second all of natural sound is being cut from the soundscape.
While we pollute our suroundings with noise everyday, we are not even aware of it in most cases, since we just overlay our part over the existing environment. Silence of the land is an example of what happens if every sound made by humans is being cut out of the soundscape. With this radical move, the part of machines, church bells, cars, trains, speech, etc. is replaced with dead digital silence. With this move, the change in soundscape is so drastic that it shocks the listener and makes it more aware of how much of sound pollution we produce. At the same time the dead digital silence brings out the environment in which the listener is listening to the sound piece and within this silent parts at one point becomes aware of his surroundings and the sound and pollution within his area.
While in the first piece called Nature, man made noises are being cut out, the second piece Humans has all the natural soundscape being removed and therefore much more silence is being observed in this piece. Silence of the land is presentation of the game we play every day with our living environment. It reflects on how this same environment would look like if we remove our impact or if we remove the natural habitat as we unfortunatly manage to do with our lifestyles every day.