Ludovik Material

“They sound quite fantastic and their youthful take on the postpunk interzone is one of the best I’ve heard for years” John Robb, LOUDER THAN WAR (UK)
“Frontwoman has more balls than the entire Eredivisie (Dutch Football League) put together.” Noisey Nederlands
“Where to even start with Slovenian band Ludovik Material? Governing the Cavern Stage, this post-punk trio tore the whole crowd a new one with a maximum blowout both in terms of volume and sheer grit. Think Riot Grrlmeets Atari Teenage Riot meets Combichrist and you’re on the right lines. Awesome!”, Get Into This! (UK)
“The unyielding Ludovik Material really transcend over and beyond with their new album Model Generation, proving once again that they have the potential to be one of the new European greats in the contemporary rock world.” Igor Bašin “Bigor”, ODZVEN (SI)
“This band deserves a stage on which it can release its inner demons. It offers you a fresh look of how post-punk can be, especially when mixed mix with these many influences.” Jurgen Braeckevelt, PEEK-a-BOO MUSIC MAGAZINE (be)

Ludovik Material: Ustvarjaj kakovostno glasbo, in ta se bo predvajala – interviju za MMC RTV SLO